小一時間の演奏の後、 30分程度の時間を挟んで、次に演奏する別のバンドが準備を始める。

「ジャズは米国にとっては空気だ。無くなって、 息ができなくなって、初めてその大切さに気が付く」とヨーコ。
フロアはバンドの繰り出すビートとヨーコの歌に引き込まて行く。ヨーコは日本の小話を散りばめながら、 フロアを沸かす。
Yoko Noge and the Jazz me Blues Band official site
Youtube clips
*Globalization Blues in Chicago
After surviving the final exams of the first quarter, three-week Winter break kicks in. I decided to spend the first half of the holidays to explore downtown Chicago. Following is what happened on the first day.
After visiting Field Museum in the afternoon with my friends, we moved to Andy's, a jazz club in down town Chicago. While listening to the uplifting sound of the big band consisted of about 15 players, my eyes caught the candle on the table and found that it was actually electric. It’s a pity because the tiny flame that dances to the vibrating air is unnoticed but an important piece of the ambiance.
The band finished playing after an hour or so. As I watched the next band prepare during intermission, I noticed a man with shaved head that looked like Japanese. I grabbed a waiter and asked about the band. He mentioned that the band is led by a female singer "Yoko Noge."
From Yoko's introduction and her talks between songs, I learned that the Japanese members of the band came to the U.S. 25 years ago and have been playing locally since then. The band is a mix of Japanese, black, and white. Delicate and subtle music started to flow, different from that of the first band. High-pitched sound of tenor sax and trombone melted in the resonance.
"Jazz for Americans is like air. You realize its true significance only when you lose it and become unable to breathe," said Yoko.
The floor was drawn to the beat of the band and Yoko's soulful voice. Yoko entertained the audience by scattering small stories about Japan. When it became the last song of the night, she began singing Japanese traditional folk song arranged in blues. She sang it first in English. Then she unabashedly sang in Japanese along with the tune of Shamisen, a traditional Japanese guitar. A black man shook his body to the groove of Shamisen’s choppy sound. When the band finished, dozens of audiences stood up and gave a warm applause.
On one ordinary Monday, Yoko and the band seemed to have blended in the City of Chicago.
Yoko said that the music that they play contains elements of Japanese and American fusion.
The factor that determines the success of fusion should be the same as that of corporate M&A. M&A is successful only when synergy makes the profit after the M&A larger than the sum of profit of each firm before M&A. What can non-black Japanese bring out by playing jazz and blues in Chicago? Other than just being "new," would there be new value for jazz and blues? Those audiences who stood up and gave a fervent applause could provide answer to such question.
After the performance I went to the stage to thank the band. “Japanese are making good effort,” the man with the shaved head told me. He said he has seen many Japanese challenging on the world stage and many locals that supported them. “Being fully able to work with people around the world.” This is the strength that I would like to build through my MBA experience. It was striking to witness the band actually exhibit such capability.
Yoko and her members are the ones who have embodied globalization mostly though individual efforts. However, the world is getting increasingly difficult to survive without globalizing. Even if we don’t have as much pioneer spirit as Yoko and her member, we have to adapt to the globalized world. In order to survive, the Japanese society as a whole should give more serious focus to globalization. Yoko’s band’s music has the power to shake the spirit, especially of those who intend to live in such world.