
Wine Lists of International Airlines with Best Services

I think that wine selection of international airlines that are known for best services will be a great source of reference to know the reasonably priced good wines around the world. Reasons are the following. And so I'm attaching a list in pdf file that I will revise periodically(save to your PC and you'll have better resolution).

Category Details
1. Serving premier customers First class passengers are likely to have more experience and knowledge about wines and are selective
2. Reasonably priced As wines are offered at free of charge, wines cannot be overly expensive
3. Limited Selection As airlines cannot carry so many selections, airlines have to be selective on what wines to carry on flight
4. Great media attention Media report on First class services routinely and wine selections is one of important criteria which makes airlines selective
5. Variety By looking at airlines of different nationality there might be a clue to find good marriage with local food

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